Coler Coastal Resiliency Project

Project Input Survey

In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Senator Chuck Schumer secured a large FEMA grant for NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H). The grant seeks to protect the City’s most vulnerable public hospitals from coastal flooding and includes NYC H+H/Coler located on Roosevelt Island.

Currently, H+H is in the pre-design phase for a new perimeter hazard mitigation system at NYC H+H/Coler. This mitigation system will create a berm barrier, provide protection for up to a 500-year coastal flood event, and protect the long-term care facility from major storm events.

As we work toward safeguarding the facility’s campus, we also want to hear from you. We are seeking to gather your thoughts and ideas for the public space around NYC H+H/Coler through this survey and public visioning sessions.

Your participation in this survey will help ensure a public space that benefits the entire community. Together, we can create a brighter future for Coler and Roosevelt Island!